
From Linux Advocacy
<glasscapt> Tom-: Feeling trapped by Windows 10?
<theproffesor> that sounds awful glasscapt why?
<glasscapt> theproffesor: used that Title as heading on flyer at Library and Post Office to get Windows users interested in Linux Mint, several years ago.  Was suggested by a Windows 10 teacher... lol
<theproffesor> ah.. for Tom- yes that makes sense now. how about linux means not having a master after the stallman quote freedom means not having a master
<glasscapt> yes, that is also good and appropriate.  unfortunately, most Windows users can't equate...
<theproffesor> true
<glasscapt> I constantly have conversations with people who don't even know about Linux and are totally confused when I explain that there are operating systems other than Windows.  Although sometimes I get the response, "oh, you mean Chromebooks?"..  ugh